ICMP and DDoS Attacks: Challenges and Way Forward




“Cybersecurity is not just about technology, It’s about the people who use it. It’s important to create a culture of security where everyone understands the risks and takes responsibility for protecting themselves and their organization.” - Stephania Mango


XYZ Hospital staff has been unable to connect to the record server creating an impasse in their day to day medical operations of the hospital. As a Network Administrator, I conduct a preliminary investigation by trying to remotely log in to the server which I was unable to do. I am duty-bound to diagnose the network issue, correct it immediately with put in place preventive safeguards so that hospital operations can resume.  

The records server is the main entity that plays a crucial role in the hospital in an online environment as shown in the figure 1.0. Not only it provides database management services to staff, doctors, patients but also contains confidential sensitive medical records such as patient history, private diagnostic reports and other critical information that is essential to medical staff to provide timely and effective care. Therefore, any interruption to the access of records would result in delays in provisioning of essential medical services for patients. This may be damaging for the image of the hospital and risk valuable human lives that depend on it.

In this context, I as a network administrator run a preliminary wire shark packet capture of the network that is small but representative of the sample. I observe certain peculiar frame trends that pinpoints towards an unusual cyber activity which needs to be studied in detail.

Figure 1.0:  Server of XYZ Hospital

Background: ICMP and DDoS


Internet Control Message Protocol, an integral part of the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) and operating at the Network Layer (Layer 3) of the OSI model provides a mechanism for network devices (e.g., routers and hosts) to communicate with each other for diagnosing network connectivity issues. Devices can transmit control messages and error reports using the ICMP. Moreover, ICMP is made to manage a wide range of situations, including controlling network congestion, reporting problems, and debugging network connectivity. A header and a data portion are both present in ICMP frame. Message type, code, checksum, and identifier/sequence number are a few of the fields found in the header while data portion may contain text or binary information. 




ICMP Type 8

Useful for network diagnostics, including measuring the round-trip time (RTT)

ICMP  Type 3

Indication that a destination host cannot be reached

ICMP Type 11

Routers send this message to let other devices know that an IP packet's Time-to-Live (TTL) value has run out

ICMP Type 5

Informs a host about a different, more effective route



A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a type of cyber attack that seeks to overload a target system, network with an influx of unauthorised traffic from multiple sources, impairing its functionality or preventing access for authorised users. 


In a DDoS attack, the intention of the attacker is to overwhelm the target (i.e. record server) with many requests that its resources, such as bandwidth, processing power, or memory, are completely exhausted. The target system may experience a slowdown, become unresponsive, or even crash because of this overload.  (figure 1.1)

A picture containing screenshot, diagram, text, design

Description automatically generated

                                                                 Figure 1.1

Normal ICMP Behaviour:


Below are some common types of normal ICMP messages when network is reachable:


                                                                        Figure 2.1: Normal ICMP messages in Wireshark


Herein, total 8 messages are displayed, 4 query and reply pairs- an Echo (ping) reply for every Echo (Ping) Request. Therefore, it ensures that the connectivity between the server and the user is reliable where the server replies back within a given time frame.


Observations of the captured wire shark file of Hospital server (Abnormal Behaviour):


The observed behaviour, however, revealed a significant amount of ICMP traffic, which might indicate irregular or excessive ICMP requests directed at the records server without a response from host. The server destination IP is not responding to consecutive stream ping (Echo) requests at a very miniscule interval of time from multiple IP source addresses as highlighted in the figure 3.1.  The only logical explanation to this could be that ping echo requests have been carried out with the intention of overwhelming the server thereby making it a connectivity issue.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

              Figure 3.1: DDoS detection by Wireshark

Explanation of the capture file: Attack determination:

A DDoS attack has taken place because of the disruption of the records server and the huge number of ICMP traffic  in which the server is overloaded with ICMP queries. Moreover, this attack can be considered an “Active attack” as it involves the intentional action of flooding the record server with a huge amount of network traffic. It can be clearly stated that the attacker has actively sent a huge volume of Echo Requests/data to overwhelm the server, which is in contrast to “Passive” attacks, where an attacker engages in observing the data without actively interrupting the normal functioning of the system.


Compromised Security Goal: 

The security goal that seems to have been compromised here is ‘Availability’ because DDoS attack de-captivates the access of resources by users as the server is overwhelmed due to by ping requests. The confidentiality and Integrity are left unviolated because the attacker is not able to breach inside the server records in this scenario.


Analysis of the Potential Vulnerabilities: The potential underlying causes that may have facilitated the DDoS attack (based on the figure 3.1) would be the social and technical vulnerabilities in the network architecture of the XYZ Hospital that would include Network vulnerability, Server vulnerability, Social - cultural vulnerability of hospital staff.

1.      Social Vulnerabilities

·       Inadequate security procedures: Users frequently disregard fundamental security procedures such as using weak passwords, failing to update software or firmware, or failing to put the required security safeguards in place on their devices. These flaws make equipment vulnerable to compromise and botnet inclusion.

·       IoT and Bots: The increase in the number of insecure IoT (Internet of Things) devices coupled with rise in automated bots to send echoes has led to DDoS attacks.

1.      Technical Vulnerabilities

·       Software flaws that can be exploited:  Network infrastructure with unpatched flaws can be used by attackers to overwhelm targets and create a DDoS attacks.

·       Insufficient network capacity and traffic management: A DDoS attack's enormous amount of malicious traffic can overload targeted networks or systems that are under-resourced or lack effective traffic filtering techniques.

·       Lack of traffic anomaly detection: It is difficult to recognise and mitigate irregular traffic patterns linked to DDoS attacks without efficient monitoring and detection tools.

Recommendation Solutions:

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan :

A disaster recovery plan for a DDoS assault as shown in figure 4.1 should include the following essential components:

1. Detection strategy: Monitoring tools to quickly identify DDoS attacks.

2. Response and Mitigation strategy: Establish a response strategy that details what to do in the case of a DDoS assault, for e.g. how to alert IT employees, get in touch with impacted users and activate DDoS Protection Services.

3. Recovery and Corrective Strategy: Start the process of returning to normal operations once the assault has been contained. 

5. Prevention and Evaluation strategy: Conduct a post-incident review to find areas that may be improved and updated upon from time to time.


Figure :4.1  Disaster Recovery Plan


What is DDoS Protection Services?


DDoS Protection Services involves an amalgamation of Detection Prevention and Curative Strategies implemented across the 7 layers of OSI model that addresses the social and physical vulnerabilities of the server


Detection strategy:

Detective strategy is used to investigate about the cause of the incident by analyzing packet behaviour through the application of sniffer tools, activity log records, etc. as explained below:

·       Signature-based detection: By looking for recognisable patterns or signatures in the network the method compares network traffic to a database of recognised DDoS attack signatures. If a match is found, the technique can intervene to stop the attack from happening by blocking traffic coming from the attack's source.

Strengths: The approach can be used to determine the sort of DDoS attack being utilised, which can aid in choosing the best defences. 

Weakness of Detection: As signature-based detection may only identify established attack patterns, it may not be effective against fresh emerging threats that masquerade a recognizable pattern. 

Attacks that are sophisticated can utilise advanced ways to avoid being caught by this detection measures, for instance, patterns may use encryption or look like legal traffic.

·       Traffic rate-based detection: This tactic entails monitoring the flow of incoming traffic and looking out for any abrupt increases that might be a sign of a DDoS assault.

Weakness: Source of attacker can’t be known just by examining the traffic variations.

·       Protocol-based detection: This method examines the protocol being used in network traffic to find any suspicious activity that might point to a DDoS attack. It works by inspecting the headers of network packets to determine whether they are a part of a DDoS attack or a genuine communication. 

Strengths: The method can also be used to locate the attack's origin, which is helpful in pursuing legal action against the offender.

Challenges with Detection Strategy: to keep up with the emerging advanced nature of DDoS attacks, the cost of maintaining detection methods in place and keeping them upgraded can be expensive, especially for small businesses with limited funding.


Recovery and Corrective Strategies: After detecting the attack type, source, timing and causes of DDoS information, IT administrator should resort to next stage of disaster management i.e. corrective strategies as explained below:

  • Diverting traffic entails sending incoming traffic to a DDoS Protection Provider that uses the cloud to filter out dangerous data.
  • Filtering traffic entails identifying and blocking harmful traffic while allowing genuine traffic to get through using network filtering techniques. Some common filtering techniques that could be used are:

IP filtering, geo location filtering, protocol filtering, traffic rate filtering, behavioral filtering.

  • Rate-limiting: This can assist prevent the network from becoming overloaded by restricting the number of requests or connections from a single IP address or subnet. Most common techniques used for rate limiting are as follows:

o   bandwidth rate limiting that limits amount of bandwidth available for traffic to a server.   

o   Connecting rate limiting: that limits the number of connections that can be established with the server. This is achieved using firewalls, routers.

o   Request rate limiting: that limits the number of requests that can be put to a server. Its done through firewalls.   

o   Session rate limiting: that limits the number of sessions that can be established to a server. This is achieved through load balancers.

  • Scaling up resources: To manage the increased traffic load, scaling up resources entails increasing bandwidth, processing power, or other resources. This can be achieved by following techniques:

o   Load balancers: create multiple servers for distributing traffic.

o   Cloud based solutions: such as CDNs Content Delivery Networks can be used to distribute traffic into remote cloud database and thus scale up server resources.

o   Mirroring: create copies of critical hospital resources and distribute it among various servers.

  • Blackholing: This method effectively shuts down the website until the attack is over by blocking all traffic to the targeted IP address or range.

Challenges with Corrective Strategies:

  • Blackholing might take a toll on hospital’s operations and essential services indefinitely as one does not know till when the DDoS attack may last.
  • Mirroring, Load balancing, traffic diversion techniques are costly adding burden to infrastructure costs of the hospital.
  • The corrective strategy is dependent upon how long it takes to detect the problem in previous stage. Detection Latency means the delay in implementing the corrective measures due to delays in detection of the problem. Greg Tomsho, (2019).

Preventive Strategy:

After corrective strategy stage, we discuss the preventive strategy that should be implemented to prevent such an attack happening in future.

  • Use Performance Monitor Software to monitor if the amount of available memory, processing power of server is available in stock to support the operations. It triggers an automatic pre-emptive mail to I.T administrator whenever an resources availability falls below a limit.
  • Server application hardening can make a server more durable and less vulnerable to compromise by lowering the attack surface of a server and minimising the possibility for vulnerabilities.
  • Network segmentation is a security technique that involves dividing a network into smaller sub-networks, or segments, to reduce the impact of security breach. It can help mitigate the impact of a DDoS attack by limiting the spread of the attack and isolating affected systems. 
  • Web Content Filtering: is a security strategy that involves restricting access to web content by preventing traffic from known malicious sources such as well-known botnets that are frequently utilised in DDoS assaults. 
  • Access Control: is a security approach that restricts access to resources based on user identity using identity authentication. The number of people that have access to vital resources, such as servers and databases, can be restricted by putting access restrictions in place.
  • Threat Intelligence based on adversary tradecraft

Threat Intelligence based on adversary tradecraft can certainly help prevent DDoS attacks by providing insights into the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of potential attackers. 


Finally, one should comply with a Cyber Safety policy and robust documentation at the organization level to have a framework in place that ensures we plan, prevent and pre-empt DDoS attacks rather than respond, rescue and rehabilitate. 


Chapter 4 - Layer 3: The Network Layer,

Editor(s): Michael Gregg,

Hack the Stack,



Pages 103-150,

ISBN 9781597491099,






Greg Tomsho Guide to Networking Essentials, 8th Edition, Chapter 14-Troubleshooting and Support, Approaches to Network Troubleshooting pg.738



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