
Showing posts from July, 2024
ICMP and DDoS Attacks: Challenges and Way Forward   Introduction   “Cybersecurity is not just about technology, It’s about the people who use it. It’s important to create a culture of security where everyone understands the risks and takes responsibility for protecting themselves and their organization.” - Stephania Mango   XYZ Hospital staff has been unable to connect to the record server creating an impasse in their day to day medical operations of the hospital. As a Network Administrator, I conduct a preliminary investigation by trying to remotely log in to the server which I was unable to do. I am duty-bound to diagnose the network issue, correct it immediately with put in place preventive safeguards so that hospital operations can resume.   The records server is the main entity that plays a crucial role in the hospital in an online environment as shown in the figure 1.0 . Not only it provides database management services to staff, doctors, patients but also contains confidential s