
ICMP and DDoS Attacks: Challenges and Way Forward   Introduction   “Cybersecurity is not just about technology, It’s about the people who use it. It’s important to create a culture of security where everyone understands the risks and takes responsibility for protecting themselves and their organization.” - Stephania Mango   XYZ Hospital staff has been unable to connect to the record server creating an impasse in their day to day medical operations of the hospital. As a Network Administrator, I conduct a preliminary investigation by trying to remotely log in to the server which I was unable to do. I am duty-bound to diagnose the network issue, correct it immediately with put in place preventive safeguards so that hospital operations can resume.   The records server is the main entity that plays a crucial role in the hospital in an online environment as shown in the figure 1.0 . Not only it provides database management services to staff, doctors, patients but also contains confidential s
  CHANGES THAT WILL CHANGE INDIA Published originally in the all India monthly journal Drishti in May 2016: At the stroke of midnight hour August 15,  1947  India did not rise to life and freedom. When our leaders self-congratulated themselves to have achieved ‘freedom’, nothing significant had changed at  grass roots , except that browns had replaced whites. The landless  labour  working in mines continued his deplorable life under dominant caste contractors, the life of peasant drenched in sweat under the scorching sun reeled in misery as land reform failed miserably, and the  stig-ma  of pollution still belonged to untouchables as Puranic literature ruled the hearts of ‘Independent Indians’. The only thing that had changed after independence was that we got a dream. A dream of an egalitarian society guaranteeing social justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity to all its citizens. With the goal well laid out, it was